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Police Association lover murder postmortem Red River
Guests case to trial in the Court yesterday, prosecutors believe it means too cruel
Guangxi News Network - Southland this reporter correspondent Dudong Min Huang Bicheng
23-year-old man originally Weimou Laibin Public Security Police Association, his fate was in November 24 last year a turning point: due to the occurrence of an altercation with a lover, saying strangle each other mutilated bodies thrown into red water the river. Yesterday morning, Laibin Intermediate People's Court hearing the case. When the victim's mother in court to hear the prosecutor told the details of their daughter's tragic death,nike tn pas cher, could not help crying.
Triggered the murder because of a trivial
9 o'clock yesterday morning, the presiding judge announced that the hearing, Weimou bailiffs charge into the courtroom. Legal Aid Center of Laibin appoint a lawyer as a defendant.
Laibin Procuratorate accused prosecutors alleged Weimou two counts: intentional homicide and theft.
Weimou is Xingbin town of Phoenix,abercrombie france, where he had attended college, and later was recruited into a detachment when Laibin Public Security Police Association.
Early September last year,tiffany outlet,http://est.ciao.jp/hana/me/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=万众堂/, began Weimou rental market in Laibin Weilin private house on the fifth floor. When he was a 22-year-old woman farmer rental houses on the seventh floor of the same building. Agriculture is the Funing County of Yunnan Province who arrived shortly guest workers. Because often meet up and down stairs to greet, they became familiar. November 24 afternoon, a farmer Weimou met upstairs in the stairwell, they call her into the room to chat. In the meantime,hollister sale,http://www.swj1314.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=17552, some farmers Weimou clinging, in a relationship.
After the two had a relationship,http://www.guate360.com,chanel pas cher, Weimou go to the bathroom. At this time, farmers saw a decentralized Weimou beds female household items, they think the other side has a girlfriend, but also deceived her feelings, and then scolded Weimou.
Weimou hear very angry,peuterey outlet, they put some farmers wrestled on the bed, with both hands grabbed the neck of a farmer, the other party can not move until it let go. Later, he found a farmer has been killed.
In order to cover up their crimes,hollister france, the next night, holding a key Weimou farmers, farmers open a rented room in the upstairs kitchen knife and cutting board used in their bathroom to a dismembered corpse agriculture, the body parts put into pre-prepared plastic bags, and then were put into two bags inside. 10 o'clock that night, Weimou riding electric car pulled in two body parts in bags installed, go to the Red River postmortem.
Later, Weimou from agriculture to a body of a Nokia mobile phone stolen,http://www2.pf-x.net/~fury/cgi-bin/gal/apeboard_plus.cgi/, sold to friends.
Weimou to the judge that he had never established a confession to farmers over two're related, "Our relations should be lover."
Faced with allegations of intentional homicide, Weimou argues that he did not intentionally want to kill each other, because the other scolded him, the sound more and more intense, and later hand grabbed his genitals, leading to his impulsive to strangle.
After committing the crime nonchalantly
According to court investigation after the incident, Weimou still work every day, with nothing happened.
After about a week, a woman went to the Red River to swim in the river and saw a bag, revealing a piece of meat from the breast with a bag breakage, and when she is not conscious of human tissue. After returning home, the woman told her husband to get things her husband to the police immediately. Police rushed to the scene confirmed that this is a human body parts, launched an immediate investigation of cases. However, unable to determine the identity of the body, the case detection deadlocked.
December 3 last year,http://ensembleada.com/publicity_next12/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=226&page=2%3C/a%22, a farmer Lee's sister (two sisters each surname with parents) of QQ, suddenly received a lifetime farming colleagues sent a message. Colleagues say some farmers do not have many days to come to work, and can not contact the Master. Lee's cell phone to call her sister, found off. The next day,hollister, she arrived home from Funing County, Yunnan Laibin, beat her sister rented the door nobody should, so to Xingbin District Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade reported. Lee police investigators through blood tests confirmed the body parts found in the Red River water, it is a human tissue farmers. With further investigation,http://www.postyournipples.com, police found that homicides Weimou is suspect.
Last December 19 at noon, in the rented Weimou was arrested. Police extracted from the trash basket and toilet room wall into the blood traces, the test with some of DAN agriculture agreement.
Begged him to stay a life
When the mother of a victim killed by farmers to hear about the details of their daughter, the prosecutor in court, could not help crying.
In court, the prosecutor said Weimou as there is a certain culture, people who work in assisting the police, because of a trivial altercation, even to their own intimate relationships woman strangled, mutilated corpses and dead bodies, such as making outrageous things, extreme cruelty, intentional homicide,http://www.100qqw.com/news/html/?9688.html, recommended that the Court be severely punished, sentenced to death and executed immediately.
After hearing the views of the public prosecutor, the judge pleading Weimou their lives remain in the courtroom. He said that after the incident, he was very sorry, I feel very sorry for a farmer and her family. He hopes his family can actively compensate the families of victims,abercrombie pas cher, hoping the judge will give him the opportunity to turn over a new leaf. Defense lawyer for Weimou made Zuiqing defended his proposal to give Weimou court sentenced to death penalty immediately outside.
After the criminal part of the trial, with the civil part of the continued hearing. The parents of a victim in court to the court of agricultural, Weimou request compensation for economic losses totaling 64 million yuan, which contains 400,000 yuan in emotional. Plaintiff's attorney suggested that the reason why such a high demand compensation of moral compensation,hollister france, because some of the victims to the families of farmers with a lot of mental harm,woolrich donna, the tragic death of his mother thought of her daughter shot,scarpe hogan, often in tears.
Faced with the families of victims claim amount raised no objection Weimou. He said that because he did not have any money, I hope the families can help him accomplish this task, to seek each other's understanding, to keep his life.
See his son's performance in court, sitting in the gallery Weimou father deadpan. He told reporters that the family was poor,http://narou18.dip.jp, do not know where you want to pay so much money to the people.
12:00 am, all over the trial, the presiding judge said the case will choose a sentencing date.
Source: Guangxi News Network



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