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Mengcheng Daughter miserable
Ventura / Yu Lin was Fuwan Jun Cui Andy Wang Yuhong
Daughter of the case occurred, caused a sensation throughout Mengcheng. Vendetta? Love to kill? Fled the robbery? Peer grudges revenge ...... opinions.
The evening of 9 April 2010, Anhui Province Mengcheng King County burglary occurred in the eastern suburbs of murder, doing business Dai Zhongwei rolling gates and his wife, son, father, mother a five died at home.
After 20 days and nights of hard and meticulous investigation, April 29, from the Ministry of Public Security supervise the handling of this devastating murder successfully solved. Many people receive this message, spontaneously set off firecrackers to celebrate.
Why is it so heinous criminal suspects,http://popexpress.biz/data/fitbtuuwfx.html? How the Police needle in a haystack?
Late burst Daughter
April 9, Friday, Mengcheng.
That night,http://www.bitnube.com/data/ondfatfecw.html, three villagers in yangzhuang have insulted others, Zhuang Bao Zou police station, Liu Chao Hung went with three defense team subpoenaed. Loaded with illegal suspects "Please," the police, Liu Chao Hung's cell phone rang.
"Just received the county bureau command center, Yongkang Door Industry Development Zone into a hospital, you quickly go." Zhuang police station duty police notice said. At this point, is 23:23.
Put people back to the inner obviously too late, police car carrying six people went straight to the east. However, the door closed Yongkang door industry,http://www.fincasfiol.com/cache/tuavsxjksy.html, knocking over all the doors, and no one answered. The police command center to alert people to come to the phone number back in the past. Pass, but no one answered. Bodings!
Yongkang Door Industry is a single door two-story homes alone, there is a contact phone volume gate above. Bao Zou dialed the phone, the phone claiming to be Yongkang Door Industry wife's sister. Bao Zou she hurried over and helped his sister a contact.
East of the house draped scaffolding, a defense team climbed the scaffolding to see the house with lights, knocking on the window, but no one answered. West of the small building is a toilet flushing Liu climbed into the room from above, found that there is a closed gate volume, can not enter the house.
Behind the house is a Medina. The west side of the second window was open,http://www.bestchistes.com/cache/yazafwtkja.html,[/url], the window below by cement bricks, windows edge green footprints, apparently had someone from Medina came from here crawl.
Zou treasure turned into a window on the first floor is no movement. He turned on the lights, shouting: "there?" Or no one answered. The second floor has a light, Bao Zou walked along the staircase on the second floor at the corner, he saw a man lying on the floor,
, covered in blood, nothing happens. Bao Zou quickly dial "120" emergency call and report immediately to the leadership.
At the same time,, Liu Chao Hung rolling gates have been opened into the house. They launched a search for the house. Northeast door of a house was locked, but the padlock bloodied, Gezhaochuangzai looking in, two people lying on the ground. West one of the master bedroom,2TtxDVUfKO, there are two people lying in a pool of blood.
The vast sea to find the culprit
Night of the murder, the panel held its first meeting, the ad hoc police scene investigation into the group, the group visited the investigation, the redeployment of the group, focusing on clues verification group, special situations group, Jizhen group, information and materials back office group judged the group, Meanwhile work.
Criminal conduct crime scene technician continuous careful investigation, autopsy, the external search, found a lot of crime evidence.
Traces left behind at the scene sole pattern, depicts the suspect wearing 25 cm A shoe, and in the field to obtain the A's DNA samples; suspects B 27 centimeters wearing shoes, and get a B in biological samples. Meanwhile,, the panel finds that the perpetrators should be more familiar with the situation.
Subsequently, the police task force on the scene when the external search within site 2 km northeast of wells salvaged a down jacket and gloves and other items. Down on the left pocket sewn inside a white cotton, the cotton "king owed a 10" words, the inquest was discarded by the suspect.
Xiechatongbao sent to the county task force and the surrounding counties, offering a reward of 50,000 yuan to mobilize the masses to provide clues. Xiechatongbao mengcheng rolling broadcast television, and the surrounding rural counties and townships in the county reward notice posted more than 12,000 copies.
Cast the net anymore, fish in the wrong? A big crowd, targeted tantamount needle in a haystack, how to find the real killer?
Through more than 10 days of hard work,http://prof-beauty.ru/wp-cache/uqteiixfas.html, the police task force of more than 10,000 people have visited the masses; inventory of hotels, hostels more than 100; hospitals, clinics and pharmacies more than 1400, the investigation out of 91 people affected by trauma personnel; visited more than 700 taxi cars,http://www.h2acomunicacio.com/link/yqpgqudfke.html, stores 458 home,http://simonabocchi.com/data/nfzixdykem.html, dry cleaners 37; Mopai 1190 people came forward on key personnel,http://magneterbolt.hu/cache/hzqehmrbhd.html, the formation of the focus 210 people; Mopai outlet on the focus of 58 people; blood samples were collected 315; retrieval of surveillance video more than 40; bank for more than 20 times.
After two weeks of uninterrupted visited investigation, combined with the suspect committing the crime scene investigation target selection and case, the panel found the case to be premeditated to usurpation for the purpose of robbery and murder cases, but does not rule out retaliatory killings possible.
Dispatched to arrest
April 23, the task force investigation into a man named He Mingming. This person Mengcheng County Department of paradise town Cui Zhaicun person, 26-year-old. Through investigations,http://www.telephone-sip.com/lib/pxcnkdutxz.html, the police found him in the spring of 2008 called Bracero in Yongkang door industry, before the incident had returned Mengcheng, disappeared after the incident.
Control portray conditions, He Mingming major crime suspects, the panel quickly around He Mingming technical inspection work, and carry out online judgments.
Through DNA testing, police identified the suspect as one . Also judged by the results of the National Information Display, April 6, He Mingming and one called "to be friends" who, one called "Wang Ruihua," the woman living in Yiwu,http://www.h2acomunicacio.com/link/wvdcxxprpc.html, Zhejiang had a room to come after He Mingming again with Friends together over Mengcheng.
Friends had to be sentenced for robbery over punishment, combined with previous surveys, the Friends also be found in major crime suspects.
April 24,, the task force headquarters careful surveillance. 27 pm,, police in Harbin, a restaurant within the Friends will be arrested. Friends of justice to come after, confessed on the merits, but the whereabouts of  has closely guarded secret.
The survey found that He Mingming April 14 afternoon, Changchun, Jilin Nong'an after the last occurrence of news. Project headquarters comprehensive criminals less cash grab, He Mingming usual habits and  activity trajectory analysis that after the incident, more likely  has died.
At 21:00 on April 28, agricultural security police Feedback: a man whose body was found in a nearby county switch factory farming family wings small hostel 100 meters around April 15. Identified, identified as the suspect He Mingming.
April 29 morning, Wang Ruihua in Changchun, Jilin Liaoyuan car was bound for the police task force arrested. So far, just 20 days from the incident.
After the murder suicide pacts
After the trial, the case gradually clear cause and effect -
Originally, in Fenghua,http://www.kloostermanlandscaping.com/library/tpecgzhxlt.html, Ningbo City, a restaurant cook in the Northeast to friends, get to know the apprentices He Mingming. Year after He Mingming proposal to develop two to Yiwu,http://www.bitnube.com/data/acakfstzmj.html, saying there is a night market where very money.
However, they did not find stall after Yiwu, then to Mengcheng visit. Because the money is to Friends girlfriend Wang Ruihua hands on to let Wang Ruihua has arrived Mengcheng Friends. Trio spent five days in Mengcheng did not find a suitable hotel, in turn returned to Yiwu. Bored occasion, He Mingming Mengcheng previously proposed to roll gate factory workers fought the idea of ??stealing money, to be friends, Wang Ruihua acquiescence.
April 8 am, on to the Friends to He Mingming 800 yuan in cash allowed into the street to buy the tools of crime. That night, they came to the scene and found the car to drive on the road from the main entrance into the crime inappropriate. Then change the plan, turned into the west from Yongkang Door Industry toilet, but there is more than one man inside the house heard voices. So, dared hands backtrack.
The next 21:00 and more, they found that a window is not closed on the north wall in the plant, they got a piece of cement bricks at the foot pad, plunged into the plant.
They quietly opened the back door on the first floor, second floor,http://www.absolutesurf.com/cache/yhieotvwtp.html, walked down the stairs from the first floor of the house heard the sound of someone walking, they returned to the first floor to wait, wait for about four or five minutes and the second dive to second floor.
He Mingming think that the boss sleeps in the living room in the southeast corner bedroom,http://longestcockmedia.com/lib/bvhcjqbkqu.html, so he and friends kicked in to the bedroom door. At this time, Dai Zhongwei north bedroom from the living room and shouted out: "You are doing it?"
Fold back and went on to Friends Dai Zhongwei him, with his hand toward the Dai Zhongwei steel head smashed about, Dai Zhongwei scared and ran back north bedroom,http://livehouse.ee/cache/xofgocgxex.html, followed on to the Friends also broke into the bedroom and found Dai Zhongwei, his wife Zhang Baomei APB all its sub-worn indoors, on to the Friends of the hand held pipe forcing three are standing by the wall, He Mingming came in to see the Friends have brought under control after three, said: "There are people next to the house I go and see. "
After He Mingming left  on his knees to beg for mercy on to friends, that gap to Friends distracted, Zhang Baomei suddenly clinging to his hands to the Friends of the legs, Dai Zhongwei will come to the Friends of throwing himself on the bed, turning the bedroom door shut, and stuffed with bedside cabinets, Dai Zhongwei pinch in to the Friends of the neck, and took the hands of the pipe, allowed his son to wear Jianye Zhang Baomei Fighter 110, worn with a cell phone to call 110 and then Jianye report.
After  her parents killed, stamped into the door with a knife,http://popexpress.biz/data/gddypdmwxb.html, forced  money on, hold on to the Friends of the pipe has to ,http://livehouse.ee/cache/xdhvktakty.html, wearing Jianye head hit, when  ran toward the living room, in the living room to the Friends will also chase Its down to the ground.
He Mingming grab 800 dollars after he stabbed a knife and the others on  next number, and then they fled the scene in panic.
They have fled Huaibei,http://prof-beauty.ru/wp-cache/zhnjfbphlf.html, Xuzhou, Zaozhuang, Shandong, Beijing, Shenyang and Changchun and other places. After two nights in Changchun, and the car came to farmers County, Friends of the proposal to come ready to buy pesticides,http://www.grossiste-sennheiser.com/library/drziaykrku.html, met police to drink, do not get caught by the police suffered, He Mingming also agreed.
He Mingming learned to call home to their families sent the notices,http://csillakorom.hu/lib/nsdvaudbfr.html, feeling cornered,[url=http://home.114school.cn/forum.php/home.php?mod=space&uid=414324], they put clothes carry away, ready to commit suicide.
After the two men near the train station a barbecue shop eat something,  that dies agile point, and rationale of the hair, and then they turn their prostitute Miss. 9:00 that evening, the two points of the two rooms to live in a hotel, the same one o'clock at night Yao suicide.
Due to the Friends of luck in not ingesting pesticide. The next morning, he got up and knock on the door He Mingming, found no response. So he fled to Harbin, one person alone, but ultimately could not escape the long arm of the law.
(Excerpt from "Law and Life" semimonthly second half of July period)



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