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the college does not know

Chinese Commercial News reporters Yang Qingbai and Tong Xunyuan weeks likes horses
Xiamen - Xiamen Daily News Xiamen Hua Tian foreign college freshmen Xiaohua (a pseudonym) Landlords lose license after doing squats, unfortunate death. His mother Miss Xiao a paper petition, the college students and their participation cards court to require the defendant to compensate 560,000 yuan of economic losses. Yesterday morning, Xiang'an District Court hearing of the case.
Do 100 squats after the sudden death under
August 31, 2011 20 am, Xiaoqiang,christian louboutin pas cher, Xiaojun and Ray (a pseudonym) in the quarters, playing cards, three people lose a licensing agreement for each person to do 10 push-ups or squats next, until one of them lost the first cumulative to under 100. Ray lost the first round to the next 100 withdrew. Xiaohua succeed Ray,http://studysupport.biz/, and Xiaoqiang, Xiaojun continue to play cards, when Xiaohua lose to under 100 after three people will stop playing cards.
Xiaohua suddenly fell to the ground after doing squats, unconscious. According to Ray later recalled, after a few minutes,,nike tn pas cher 2013, he suddenly heard a "bang", turned around to see, Xiaohua supine on the floor, big mouth panting, they hurried down the stairs report Huangde teacher. 120 emergency personnel rushed to the scene,woolrich outlet roma, confirmed Xiaohua dead.
School delays in treatment time
According to the Fujian Chint Forensic Center for Forensic Xiaohua sudden death were confirmed Xiaohua meet the thymus lymphatic constitution and sudden death. After Fujian Fujian Forensic think squats standing activities are strenuous physical activity, resulting in significantly higher incidence of sudden death slight irritation incidence of sudden death.
Miss Xiao Xiaohua mother believes that college in a small bloom fainting, allied health professionals in a timely manner can not be dispatched the scene for a rescue, only call when 120,120 attended by the students is a half-hour later,chaussures louboutin soldes, delayed treatment for relief Xiaohua . If the rescue in time to avoid this accident, the College at fault in this regard shall bear corresponding responsibility.
Miss Xiao also said Xiaoqiang, pretty little card game with Ray in the squat stand that corporal punishment by way of punishment Xiaohua, is one of the causes of sudden death caused by Xiaohua,hogan outlet sito ufficiale, death of Xiaohua should bear corresponding responsibility .
Relief in a timely manner is not at fault
Xiamen Huatian Foreign Vocational and Technical College argued that bloom after a small accident,woolrich outlet, school teachers and immediately dialed 120, which rushed to the scene within a few minutes the school doctor, and Xiaohua first aid, school counselor, director of student work-related also the first time people in charge of the scene into relief work. Staff College in bloom after a small accident,abercrombie, take proper and timely relief work,http://www.huaiangay.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=939665&extra=, without any fault.
Huatian Foreign College also believes Xiaohua own idiosyncratic is the only reason for its sudden death,http://www.lnxqd.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=70187&fromuid=17126, the college does not know, does not exist any fault in this case should not be liable for damages.
Not force it to do squats
To court Xiaoqiang, Xiaojun and Ray felt injustice. They say, playing cards lost or squat to do push-ups, do not insist, but not corporal punishment,http://www.sgjy169.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, just entertainment,hogan outlet, we can do you can not do it, you can do less and do more. Xiaohua not do squat to stand in the process of sudden accident, but after ten minutes after the onset. Thus,air max tn pas cher, they did not implement any infringement.
Xiaoqiang three people also said that they are started going to school two or three days of life,http://bbs.guocang123.com/viewthread.php?tid=138658&extra=, we are not familiar with each other. Xiaohua not have any abnormalities, we do not know that he is unusual physique.
Xiaoqiang,http://zypfb999.org/thread-530722-1-1.html,moncler piumini donna, Xiaojun's attorney believes that judicial expert opinion only prove Xiaohua meet the thymus and lymph physical death,scarpe hogan outlet, but the death of playing cards and Xiaohua there is no causal relationship,mulberry outlet 2014, the relationship does not directly cause death.
Yesterday courtroom battle fierce,http://bbs.xncac.com/viewthread.php?tid=4496065&extra=, the original defendants presented their respective claims, the court will choose a sentencing case.



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