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Friends of Bo disaster strikes many a helping hand,real mulberry bags second hand mulberry bayswater
Domestic and foreign tracing microblogging love relay
48 hours to find his uncle, who a peace
Zhejiang has a lot of people to settle or study abroad in Japan, including the uncle Times reporter Wang Jia Jing --- Hitachi City, Ibaraki National University Faculty of Engineering,chaussures femmes soldes louboutin photos de louboutin, Professor Zhou.
"After the earthquake in Japan on March 11, I and uncle lost contact. Then to now, a full two days,louboutin chaussures prix acheter des louboutins, my first call, and later by Sina microblogging looking uncle. This tracing microblogging been countless blog Friends and forwarding, many overseas Chinese and students in Japan after seeing also try to help find .3 13 mesh 14:47, I finally had an uncle message:! they are all safe and sound too good ... ... "Wang Jia Jing said happily.
Yesterday,mulberry bag repairs, Wang Jia Jing tracing process these days in the form of a diary recorded.
March 11
Worry, uncle of a lost contact after the earthquake
15:00 saw the news of the earthquake from the Sina microblogging, I quickly called my mom and asked where the earthquake was not Uncle work. Said his mother,prezzo moncler donna vendo moncler, uncle working in the University of Hitachi City, from Sendai,oak mulberry bayswater mulberry bag with clutch, Fukushima and other affected areas, or more serious, and grandmother are some distance phone contact uncle, so I do not worry too much.
19:00 from the earthquake has been six hours,http://www.zyjzzsgc.com/news/html/?209783.html, I came home after work, my mother said to me, still can not contact the uncle. Said his mother, aunt should be at home at that time (Mito), and their daughter Lisa at Shizuoka University, but all three phones can not get through.
21:35 still can not contact my uncle, I sent a tracing messages on Sina Weibo (@ Wang Jia Jing) on. See the Chinese people in Japan can help in finding their loved ones on the microblogging messages, I gaveann private letter Chun Mei, the uncle of the situation and gave her contact information. But until the next morning,http://yutong.dz4a.com/bbs/upload/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=190192&extra=, his uncle's phone is still unable to connect.
@ Hawk NC despise gloating on the microblogging tell me earthquake Hitachi City 6, and there were two fires. That night we all slept very stable, especially over 80-year-old grandmother.
March 12
Oops,http://bbs.x-av.net/thread-29246-1-1.html, I heard aunt went to the Sendai earthquake
5:30 to get up early in the morning,christian louboutin femme escarpins louboutin pas cher, I open microblogging View Reply, still no news, but a lot of users forwarding,giubbotti woolrich online sito woolrich, I have been forwarded, and the Japanese earthquake in China @ people @ @ China International Rescue Team Blue Rescue Team, I hope to help I'm looking for someone.
That day, news reports said Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear leak,http://www.shopqc.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=1260&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=24202, the news everyone fears a deeper layer.
7:00 am, I saw microblogging @ East Island nocturnal emissions can help people to find someone in the news, the news immediately inform his uncle.
11:00 heard a very good news: As usual aunt doing translation work obligations,moncler t shirt doudoun moncler homme, before the earthquake,hollister return policy, she took home a university professor went to Sendai. Aunt parents in Beijing have been frantic to mobilize all the relatives to find someone,louboutin boutique paris louboutin nantes, but the phone still can not get through, only relatively fortunate that Lisa should be among the safest of the three.
A little earlier, @ East Island nocturnal reply me that he has been playing Uncle phone, but the other side did not signal, have not yet contacted, communication lines may be a problem.
The problem is communication lines, communication lines is certainly a problem --- I have always told my mother and grandmother said.
19:00 I heard that nuclear leakage is quite serious, grandmother anxious not to persuade refusing, because they have one and a half could not be contacted,hogan outlet bambina hogan interactive 35, and who are having a hard heart, getting worried. Tonight, it appears again on the phone and sleeping well being spent.
March 13
Glad to find them a safe uncle
9:00 to get up after seeing the news that the death toll rose to 1,700 people, fearing a sudden increase: the fast two days,http://981372284.p53.sqnet.cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1624473&extra=, the uncle uncle, if you are safe, why do not contact us?
14:00 already two in the afternoon, from the earthquake almost two days, and still no news. Due to the work, I did not see my grandmother,http://www.gizmodoctors.com/Main_Page, but my mother said, hell broke loose,http://bbs.yapaifs.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3355771, not only his grandmother, as well as Beijing there.
In addition to over and over again to refresh it, and I do not know what else to why the.
14:27're all anxious when the good news came a wet dream --- @ East Island's wife on the microblogging give me a message, saying that already and uncle uncle contact friends. "He said that now  Please do not worry,http://smarthomeshack.com/forum/profile.php?id=96596, because the network does not work, he was still trying to contact with the family." See this microblogging, I immediately gave my grandmother a telephone call before the phone down, I heard my grandmother say: Well, Well, finally relieved.
That moment, really very touching. I never thought microblogging can give me a big help, especially in disaster strikes himself powerless when the microblogging so many strangers who helped me call them.
Special thanks to @ East Island nocturnal emissions, not only myself to help me contact, they can not call at the time, but also to his wife to call for help, not really been touched.
17:30 to know the family after looking for him, uncle uncle ran over one hundred kilometers, and finally found a place you can call. Uncles said that now there Mito water and electricity, communication does not work, but one people are safe.
Well, you can sleep tonight finally get calmed down.
(Times reporter Wang Jia Jing)

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