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sometimes roadside farmers piled straw

□ chief reporter what is the right correspondent Jiang Feng,moncler outlet online
Xinyang News newspaper,hogan 2014, "After playing a child can no longer temper." Aug. 7 pm,moncler pas cher, dark, skinny little Zou speed in Xinyang, Henan Highways brigade office,Doudoune moncler pas cher, talking about his journey in the coming weeks on the Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway experience strong feelings.
Chen Xinyang Highways Battalion Hyosung told reporters: In the morning,nike tn, when he and his colleagues Wu Di routine patrol in the high-speed section of the Beijing-Zhuhai Xinyang found walking a little Zou highway. "We see a man on the road, and went for questioning and found him sane,http://www.ttroo.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=274637, to make further inquiries, to know he was trying to walk along the highway Zhuhai, we took him to the team."
Reasons for leaving cousin bakery, small and cousin Zou said to be unhappy because of little things happened. July 23,http://bestchain.com/news/html/?103326.html, he left his cousin's bakery, the night, from the Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway Puyang an entrance into the highway,moncler outlet,http://www.xxst0731.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=1460&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=196238, which began two weeks of high-speed "wandering" tour.
Small Zou told reporters,moncler milano, when he left the bakery,http://kantorei-deidesheim.de/index.php?site=guestbook&action=add, in addition to the clothes and 25 yuan in cash,scarpe hogan outlet, did not bring other items. Puyang leave the third day,http://www.11125.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=673564, a small Zou reach Hua County Road Town. In this case, when the body of 25 yuan in cash starting only 1 yuan. "Finally a dollar,woolrich sito ufficiale, I bought four bun." In the last four after eating steamed,nike tn pas cher, exhausted little Zou down the highway, roadside villagers to help. "They gave me something to eat, but also let me eat away after a few." After that,http://talktechies.com/2014/10/road-rushing-nine-times-for-treatment-surgery-engraved-love/, a small roadside Zou edge rush to pick up roadside beverage bottles. "Sometimes you eat the money by selling the bottle." Small Zou said.
"Sleeping on a highway overpass in below or culvert, sometimes roadside farmers piled straw, sleeping in straw inside." Small Zou said that although a person to sleep at night in the wild, but been afraid.
Xinyang mileage from Puyang to about 600 km,abercrombie, leaving little Zou wear a pair of shoes to go for a few days on the break,http://moodle.ndna.org.uk/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, and picked up a pair of shoes in the street, when you go Xinyang almost can not wear.
Highways Battalion in Xinyang, Chen et al Hyosung reclaim the little Zou team, burning with hot water so that small Zou bath, find clean clothes and shoes to put on him, and through QQ contacted his family, after Puyang bought him a return ticket.
Small Zou told reporters that he should not be impulsive. "Go back and loved ones must learn to live in harmony,woolrich outlet italia,http://gy.gzxijiu.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=61015&fromuid=11750." He said.



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